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Naver and Kakao's breaking News

Breaking News in South Korea !

After the change of government, the stock prices of major Korean platforms 'Naver' and 'Kakao' have been dramatically risen.

See the current state of South Korea!

  • Korean government has been restricting platform services in order to protect small businesses since now.

  • However the new president has promised to minimize the restrictions which led to the stock rise of Kakao and Naver.

  • This implies that it will be more easier and crucial for international businesses to utilize Korean local platforms since they will be launching new services and increase market share.

  • Also, it will be the key abilities for local agencies to get used to the changes of Kakao and Naver services and have professionalism to handle them

To get more information about South Korean market and digital marketing strategies, Korean digital marketing agency Waterbe will help you out!

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